- April 15th, 2016:
(\(intensf, list) -> map (second intensf) list) (insensifierFn, assocList)
Point-free-itize this lambda - obadz @obadzz uncurry $ map . second
- April 15th, 2016:
foldr (\card -> let c = color card in mappend c *** ((idx card, c):))
(mempty, []) cards
Point-free-itize and de-let lambda - Gautier DI FOLCO @gautier_difolco foldr (uncurry (***) . (uncurry fmap . fmap (((,) =<< mappend) . color) . ((,) =<< ((:) .) . (,) . idx))) (mempty, []) cards
- me: foldr (uncurry (***) . (mappend . snd &&& (:)) . (idx &&& color)) (mempty, [])
- April 15th, 2016: map (\(idx, color) -> C idx (cell bb idx) color) assoclist
point-free-itize the lambda in the map function. - Eyal Lotem @EyalL uncurry (C <*> cell bb) ?
Not in front of a type checker, can't check myself :) - April 13th, 2016:
point-free-itize lambda term in:
uncurry (foldr (\a -> min a *** max a)) . ((head &&& head) &&& id) - obadz @obadzz liftA2 (***) min max
- April 12th, 2016:
minmax :: Ord a => [a] -> (a, a)
minmax [1..9] = (1,9)
in linear time.
minmax = minimum &&& maximum
fails as it's 2x too slow. - April 12th, 2016:
You have (a,b) (c,d)
You need (a*c, b*d)
Well, we don't have all day! (Actually, we do) Get to it!
Pointless; I MEAN POINT-FREE pls - lotz@Haskell㌠ @lotz84_ ((uncurry . flip . curry $ id).) . ((uncurry.) . uncurry . (flip.) . flip . flip) ((((flip . (flip.)) $ ((,).) . (*)).) . (*))
- Olivier Iffrig @oiffrig Point-free but star-full: uncurry (***) . ((*) *** (*))
- bazzargh @bazzargh curry((uncurry (*)) *** (uncurry (*)))
- bazzargh @bazzargh knew there had to be a bimap answer, eventually got: curry ((bimap <$> id <*> id) (uncurry (*)))
- obadz @obadzz join biliftA2 (*)
- Андреев Кирилл @nonaem00 (((product *** product) . unzip) .) . (flip (:)) . (:[]) ... I clearly need more coffee this morning.
- April 10th, 2016:
data BBx = Bx (Int, Int) Pt2D Pt2D
mkBB :: [a] -> Pt2D -> BBx
mkBB xs extents = Bx (0, length xs) (0,0) extents
points-free - Gautier DI FOLCO @gautier_difolco
-- LANGUAGE TupleSections
data BBx = Bx (Int, Int) Pt2D Pt2D
mkBB :: [a] -> Pt2D -> BBx
mkBB = flip Bx (0,0) . (0, ) . length - Thomas D @tthomasdd mkBB = flip Bx (0,0) . (,) 0 . length
- April 7th, 2016:
type MList a n = [(a, n)]
partSz :: Ord n => n -> MList a n -> (MList a n, MList a n)
partSz µ = partition ((µ >) . snd)
Define points-free - partSz = partition . (. snd) . (>) -- via @gautier_difolco
Incorporates strong typing over predicate logic programming, and, conversely, incorporates predicate logic programming into strongly typed functional languages. The style of predicate logic is from Prolog; the strongly typed functional language is Haskell.
Thursday, May 5, 2016
April 2016 1HaskellADay 1Liners
Monday, May 2, 2016
April 2016 1HaskellADay Problem and Solutions
April 2016
- April 29th, 2016: In today's #haskell problem we look at a set of Top5s markets data and define/quantify what looks 'interesting.' http://lpaste.net/8121634490738016256
- April 28th, 2016: Today's #haskell problem looks at 'solving' when a solution is not known a priori, and parallizing with antz http://lpaste.net/8170491646400528384
- April 27th, 2016: Today's #haskell problem has the antz foraging further afield (that is, in a much bigger matrix) http://lpaste.net/5667147688521498624 See what they find! Well, would you look at that! Today's #haskell solution sends more ants and gets a less costly result! Whoda thunk? http://lpaste.net/216918736328720384
- April 26th, 2016: SUPER SIZE ME! ... no, actually, just size me appropriately for today's #haskell problem http://lpaste.net/2187209441198211072
Solution has cluster nodes sized by cell-counts in each cluster: http://lpaste.net/5818908382240702464 - April 25th, 2016: The ants are Swarming! Today's #haskell problem the antz come marching one-by-one, hurrah! http://lpaste.net/4502369819319861248
Today's #haskell solution only took 153 antz to find the solution. YAY! Go, antz! Go! http://lpaste.net/7244247769668386816
- April 22nd, 2016: Today's #haskell problem is @projecteuler problem 81, also known as (for me:) the Kobayashi Maru http://lpaste.net/4178250065082580992 You give it a go. Totally NOT the solution to today's #haskell problem http://lpaste.net/8058369802856562688 ... unless you have more computational power than the Universe.
- April 21st, 2016: Today's #haskell problem asks: what's a pandigital prime? And which one is largest? http://lpaste.net/504585569821523968 via @projecteuler problem 41 And the largest Pandigital prime is (Just a). Yup, you heard it here first for today's #haskell solution http://lpaste.net/5597599669644427264
- April 20th, 2016: Today's #Haskell problem brings us back to Douglas Adams or projecteuler.net or both! with problem 42 http://lpaste.net/8181950129519984640 Words, words, and triangular words for today's #haskell solution http://lpaste.net/859266571875385344
- April 19th, 2016: In a shocking announcement, @geophf admits he's not a Haskell programmer for today's #haskell problem http://lpaste.net/7447463975479934976 oh, and R-Trie. From "PAPA" to "MAMMA" in Relational Trie and the 3-4-5 Trie tiers http://lpaste.net/259046704735584256 for today's #haskell solution.
- April 18th, 2016: For today's #haskell problem we look at the (reverse) Trie for efficient search of work suffixes http://lpaste.net/4221347562226974720 Assessment of the reverse trie for word suffix search: eh. http://lpaste.net/1782747088124116992
- April 15th, 2016: Today's #Haskell problem relates original data to scores on the data http://lpaste.net/5271793028346937344 We relate clustered cells to source data to allow further exploration in #haskell solution http://lpaste.net/6768261699876159488
- April 14th, 2016: We recolorize scorecards or we reintroduce meta-data into colored cells, either way, for today's #haskell problem http://lpaste.net/4184247669083865088 Today's #haskell solution gives us cells in the clusters enhanced with metadata http://lpaste.net/8455891905392148480
We expand the scope of the solution with big-indices and 3000 data points:
- April 13th, 2016: Today's #haskell problem tells us not to shun words ending with 'tion.' eheh. http://lpaste.net/8081525869924843520 We 'Trie' hard to get common prefixes for today's #haskell solution http://lpaste.net/5059758395683241984 Eheh: using Trie data structure to find prefixes
- April 12th, 2016: In today's #haskell problem we relate clustered data http://lpaste.net/9073884707980050432 We have a #dataviz of clustered data for today's #haskell solution http://lpaste.net/8982640331094753280 using a #graph #database
All the stocks in their clustersA query showing in which clusters AAPL, NFLX, and TWTR are
- April 11th, 2016: For today's #haskell problem we label then compact cells of heterogeneous data http://lpaste.net/6557878267389411328
Today's #Haskell solution gives us labeled, compacted data represented as SVG. http://lpaste.net/2873200763016839168 - April 8th, 2016: Today's #haskell problem LOOKS imposing, but it's really an Enum a reindexing problem; give it a go! http://lpaste.net/1555193256856256512 Today's #Haskell solution is 'fromEnum' http://lpaste.net/4814157348060790784 ... and this:
- April 7th, 2016: Today's #haskell problem returns to clusters, specifically 'clumping' (clustering) clusters http://lpaste.net/9172662547696844800 Today's #Haskell solution clumps clusters along mean-counts http://lpaste.net/4448502786170028032
- April 6th, 2016: You lookin' at Robert De Niro? Today's #Haskell problem: shoot him with Control.Arrow-syntax http://lpaste.net/6879084006575439872 Today's #Haskell solution ... with arrow syntax! http://lpaste.net/2056518229240578048
- April 5th, 2016: Today's #haskell problem is to create a symbol table compiler; wait, there's more: a symbol table compiler APP! http://lpaste.net/295071069348298752 So, today's #haskell solution wonders what happens if you're LOOKIN' at Rob't De Niro? ARE YOU LOOKIN' at HIM? http://lpaste.net/7366969987635871744
- April 4th, 2016: So, end of March we clustered some Market security data. Today's #haskell problem will query those clusters http://lpaste.net/5339634137026265088 So, in today's #haskell solution we learn $NFLX is in cluster 6 with 85 cells. http://lpaste.net/6805847212086525952 Hm. New clustering algorithm?
- April 1st, 2016: What if yesterday followed today? Today's #haskell problem: sorting unnormally-arrayed data, ... normalment oui. http://lpaste.net/3321894944162971648 We've 'resorted' to a better schema ... *groan* ... with today's #haskell solution http://lpaste.net/1909644297771155456