- January 31th, 2017: For today's #haskell problem we look at #ephemeris data (double-precision triples) for EMbary (Earth/Moon) and Mars. We parse some big-Ds (double-precision numbers) to get Earth and Mars orbital #ephemeris data from the JPL.
- January 30th, 2017: This week we'll be looking at JPL Earth and Mars Ephemeris data sets. Today's #haskell problem reads in Julian dates. Today's solution uses Prolog Definite Clause Grammars (DCGs) - in #haskell - to read the date string.
- January 27th, 2017: Today's #haskell problem is a little word-guessing puzzle. Today's #haskell solution is another puzzle: To which band do witches band? Will we ever know?
- January 26th, 2017: Today's Haskell exercise tally the word-frequency of a file, so: tally-ho! Today's #haskell solution shows me 'County' is the most popular word in #haskell?!? but okay.
- January 25th, 2017: For today's #haskell exercise, we see what Haskell files are in a directory, eh? Today's #haskell solution to find the Haskell files in a directory structure got me all Monad-y down low on the IO!
- January 20th, 2017: For Today's #haskell problem we look at Merkle Trees of the #blockchain as Traversable.
- January 19th, 2017: Lastly, today's #haskell problem looks at the Traversable function: lastest via @Jose_A_Alonso @yoeight. Today's #haskell solution shows the First shall be the lastest
- January 18th, 2017: As sum is already defined for Traversibles, today's #haskell problem looks at average via @Jose_A_Alonso @yoeight. For today's #haskell solution we find the average of the elements of any Traversable type
- January 17th, 2017: Today's #haskell problem continues Traversable exploration by @Jose_A_Alonso @yoeight with minAF and maxAF...in O(1). So, we have today's #haskell solution for minAF, minT, maxAF, and maxT. lolneat!
- January 16th, 2017: Today's #haskell problem looks at find, any, and all as functions over Traversable types via @Jose_A_Alonso @yoeight. Today's #haskell solution not only defines anyAF and allAF but also the important gtfo, that is: find (> 5)-function.
- January 13th, 2017: Today's #haskell problem does 2 things: examines Applicative Functors (AF) and lets me say transpose...AF in a tweet. Today's #haskell solution shows a succinct applicative solution to transposeAF for matrices
- January 12th, 2017: Partial functions everywhere via @Jose_A_Alonso @bitemyapp! Today's #haskell exercise takes on maximum and minimum. We 'full-i-tize' the partial functions of minimal and maximal for all Foldable t in today's #haskell solution
- January 11th, 2017: Today's #haskell exercise handles the next pitfall from @Jose_A_Alonso @bitemyapp: Prelude partial functions, particularly for the evil List! Today's #haskell solution TOTALly unpartializes some Prelude list functions ... geddit? TOTALly? GEDDIT?
- January 10th, 2017: Continuing #haskell pitfalls review via @Jose_A_Alonso @bitemyapp we study Data.Text to process large text documents. Today's #haskell solution shows Dickens was ahead of his time, citing URLs in Christmas Carol LIKE A WEB GANGSTA!
- Side note: I had no problem processing 200k size text document using String, but, hey: knock yourselves out with Text for text processing.
- January 9th, 2017: For today's #haskell exercise we take a leaf from @bitemyapp via @Jose_A_Alonso and look into Data.Aeson quasiquotes. Using Data.Aeson.QQ today's #haskell solution basically wrote itself.
- January 6th, 2017: Today we look at combined US State SAIPE/poverty and debt data, rescale those data, and cluster the results #Haskell
- January 5th, 2017: For today's #haskell exercise we combine US State SAIPE/poverty data along with US State total and per capita debt. Today's #haskell solution on SAIPE/poverty data and US State debts has CHARTS! Never. Underestimate. Charts. 👌💯💯💯
- January 4th, 2017: Today's #haskell exercise we re-look SAIPE/poverty data, reorganizing by US State instead of by US County. We collate US State SAIPE/poverty data, then do a bit of analysis with a pensé about results thrown in at the end.
- January 2nd, 2017: For the beginning of AD 2017, today's #haskell exercise wishes you a less divisive year than the last. LITERALLY!
Incorporates strong typing over predicate logic programming, and, conversely, incorporates predicate logic programming into strongly typed functional languages. The style of predicate logic is from Prolog; the strongly typed functional language is Haskell.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017
January 2017 1HaskellADay problems and solutions
Thursday, January 19, 2017
December 2016 1HaskellADay 1Liners
- December 22nd, 2016: f :: (Either a b, c) -> Either (a, c) (b, c), define f, snaps for elegance, e.g.: f (Left 4, "Hi") = Left (4, "Hi")
- bazzargh @bazzargh uncurry (flip (join bimap . (,) ))
- Denis Stoyanov @xgrommx need (Left 4, "Hi") = Left (4, "Hi") but your version Left ("Hi", 4)
- Thomas D @tthomasdd Do tuple sections count? do I have access to Data.Bifunctor?
- f (eab,c) = bimap (,c) (,c) eab
- SocialJusticeCleric @walkstherain uncurry $ either ((Left .).(,)) ((Right .).(,))
- Denis Stoyanov @xgrommx or f (e, a) = (join bimap (\x -> (x, a))) e
- Nickolay Kudasov @crazy_fizruk most elegant IMO:
f (Left a, c) = Left (a, c)
f (Right b, c) = Right (b, c) - December 22nd, 2016: define a function that writes out an infinite, alternating stream of 1's and 0's as below.
- Philipp Maier @AkiiZedd mapM putStrLn $ join $ repeat ["0","1"]
- Eyal Lotem @EyalL join . repeat = cycle?
- mavant @mavant f = putStr "10" >> f
- Eyal Lotem @EyalL mapM putStrLn $ cycle ["0","1"]
- December 10th, 2016:
startsWith :: [String] -> String
points-free so that:
startsWith ["ΜΗΛΟΝ", "ΗΔΟΝΗ"] = "ΛΟ"
That is: (length list)+1 Char of each word - SocialJusticeCleric @walkstherain
- I prefer `uncurry (!!) . (Data.List.transpose &&& length)`
- but `map . flip (!!) . length =<< id` only uses the Prelude
- Nick @crazy_fizruk zipWith (!!) <*> repeat . length
Sunday, January 1, 2017
December 2016 1HaskellADay Problems and Solutions
- December 27th, 2016: For today's #haskell exercise we expand our inquiry of SAIPE/poverty data by analyzing by US State.
- December 26th, 2016: Today's #haskell exercise looks at partitioning data by each unit's 'size'; then we visualize the partitioned data. Today's #haskell solution shows we can cluster and analyze US counties by their relative sizes
- December 23rd, 2016: There are many (3000+) US Counties. Today's #haskell exercise visualizes them clustered by SAIPE/poverty data. Today's #haskell solution shows the US Counties clustered by SAIPE/poverty data visualized in @neo4j.
- December 22nd, 2016: For today's #haskell exercise we shift focus from SAIPE/poverty data to debt by US State, total and per capita. Today's #haskell solution shows US State debt, totals and per capital, with a caution about the IO monad in a REPL.
- December 21st, 2016: For today's #haskell exercise we look at clustering SAIPE/poverty data and looking at patterns in the clusters. Today's #haskell solution shows US counties fall in 4 clusters using SAIPE/poverty data with Los Angeles a stand out.
- December 20th, 2016: Today we look at enumerating US Counties from SAIPE/poverty data then determining their US State, deterministically. We find in today's #haskell solution that there a a lot of Counties of the US, so we index and enumerate them.
- December 19th, 2016: For today's #haskell exercise we make a set of (static) String values enumerable and indexible. On the shoulders of our previous parsing work, today's #haskell solution parses SAIPE data to index US State names.
- December 16th, 2016: Today's #haskell Exercise looks at score-cards for US Census data
- December 15th, 2016: For today's #haskell exercise, we're back looking at US Census data: SAIPE/poverty by State and county #DataAnalytics. Today's #haskell solution shows how to parse by-line whilst carrying-over structure-context from prior lines
- December 14th, 2016: Today's #haskell exercise we begin to look at qubits and pauli rotations on qubits. Today's #haskell solution represents Qubits and rotates |0> and |1> through the Pauli X operator.
- December 13th, 2016: Today's #haskell exercise looks at the US Census data and asks some by-State questions around incomes. Today's #haskell solution uses Network.HTTP and Applicative Functors to examine populations and mean/median incomes.
- December 12th, 2016: For today's #haskell exercise we observe a dinner-table conversation of a math professor and her husband. Today's #haskell solution shows us happiness for children is having a parent as a math professor. I know this.
- December 9th, 2016: Today is #FF on @1HaskellADay. I mean, that's today's #haskell exercise: Examine Twitter JSON for #FF-analytics. Today's #haskell solution shows us who NOT to #FF if you want the follow back. Doesn't it.
- December 8th, 2016: Today's #haskell exercise comes to you all the way from Smyrna! Construct a word-square. And from 2000 common English words we have #haskell solutions for the 3x3 and 4x4 word-squares
- December 6th, 2016: Today's #haskell exercise will look at EMA/Exponential Moving Averages to analyze trends of, e.g. #BitCoin. Today's #haskell solution inlines state into the EMA-recursive function to analyze #BitCoin price history.
- December 5th, 2016: Today's #haskell exercise we look at the SMA/Simple Moving Average as a trend-estimator for, e.g.: #BitCoin price. Today's #haskell solution uses the SMA-function as a Comonad. Below are 1 year and 3 months of #BitCoin SMA-analyses.
CORRECTION! SMA 15 and SMA 50 are industry norms in the markets. Corrected (and generalized) #haskell solution here.
- December 1st, 2016: For today's #haskell exercise we look at a larger data set with a year's worth of BitCoin price history.
I love the #haskell standard library. I love that you can write today's solution: #BitCoin prices in one line of code.