
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January 2017 1HaskellADay problems and solutions

Thursday, January 19, 2017

December 2016 1HaskellADay 1Liners

  • December 22nd, 2016:  f :: (Either a b, c) -> Either (a, c) (b, c), define f, snaps for elegance, e.g.: f (Left 4, "Hi") = Left (4, "Hi")
    • bazzargh @bazzargh uncurry (flip (join bimap . (,) ))
      • Denis Stoyanov @xgrommx need (Left 4, "Hi") = Left (4, "Hi") but your version Left ("Hi", 4)
    • Thomas D @tthomasdd Do tuple sections count? do I have access to Data.Bifunctor?
      • f (eab,c) = bimap (,c) (,c) eab
    • SocialJusticeCleric @walkstherain uncurry $ either ((Left .).(,)) ((Right .).(,))
    • Denis Stoyanov @xgrommx or f (e, a) = (join bimap (\x -> (x, a))) e
    • Nickolay Kudasov @crazy_fizruk most elegant IMO:
      f (Left a, c) = Left (a, c)
      f (Right b, c) = Right (b, c)
  • December 22nd, 2016: define a function that writes out an infinite, alternating stream of 1's and 0's as below. 
    • Philipp Maier @AkiiZedd mapM putStrLn $ join $ repeat ["0","1"]
      • Eyal Lotem @EyalL join . repeat = cycle?
    • mavant @mavant f = putStr "10" >> f
    • Eyal Lotem @EyalL mapM putStrLn $ cycle ["0","1"]
  • December 10th, 2016:
    startsWith :: [String] -> String
    points-free so that:
    startsWith ["ΜΗΛΟΝ", "ΗΔΟΝΗ"] = "ΛΟ"
    That is: (length list)+1 Char of each word
    • SocialJusticeCleric @walkstherain 
      • I prefer `uncurry (!!) . (Data.List.transpose &&& length)`
      • but `map . flip (!!) . length =<< id` only uses the Prelude
    • Nick @crazy_fizruk zipWith (!!) <*> repeat . length

Sunday, January 1, 2017

December 2016 1HaskellADay Problems and Solutions