- December 19th, 2018: Tuesday's #haskell problem was to eliminate that pesky plus-sign; Wednesday's haskell problem is to enputify it back in! A solution of enputification.
- December 18th, 2018: Tuesday's #haskell problem is to sum a set of integers from file ... except the integers are stored with a novel representation. Tuesday's #haskell solution eliminates that pesky plus-sign, and, doing that, you get yourself a gold star from the adventofcode.com
- December 5th, 2018: Wednesday's #haskell problem: from KAYAK to ULULU, generalizing the palindrome-grid puzzle. Wednesday's #haskell solution: ULULU, RADAR, or any word you want can be engridified (that's a word, now)
- December 4th, 2018: Tuesday's #haskell problem is to find 5-letter palindromes in your word dictionary. Tuesday's #haskell solutions finds 'ULULU'! Now, that's another KAYAKescque word!
- December 3rd, 2018: Monday's #haskell problem is scanning a sea of A's, K's, and Y's for a KAYAK. Monday's #haskell solution is a kayak found, now that I remember where I placed it.
Incorporates strong typing over predicate logic programming, and, conversely, incorporates predicate logic programming into strongly typed functional languages. The style of predicate logic is from Prolog; the strongly typed functional language is Haskell.