and W
) by using the ((->) a) Monad
, and I rolled those improvements into the original post, but these improvements are still in the combinators-as-functions domain.Two readers, ryani and david, provided implementations for two combinators that I've had difficulty with. I've implemented the "void" combinator from the Unlambda programming language (or as Smullyan calls it, the "hopelessly egocentric" bird) using only the
and K
combinators. Haskell is (thankfully) not so restricted, so ryani implemented that combinator as a type and then as a class. The thrust of ryani's void-as-type implementation is as follows:Simple and sweet! And, the ranked type resolves the type-circularity ("void x is of type void"). So, for example:> {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
> newtype Void = V { runV :: forall a. a -> Void }
> v :: Void
> v = V (\x -> v)
In my implementation, I represented that the "void" combinator is "enough"> :t runV v 0
runV v 0 :: Void
> :t runV v "hello"
runV v "hello" :: Void
> :t runV (runV v 0) "hello"
runV (runV v 0) "hello" :: Void
... etc ...
combinators (where "enough" was more K
combinators than applications); ryani takes that exact approach using a class-based implementation:(so void is represented as the Haskell type and datum> class Voidable r where vc :: r
> instance Voidable () where vc = ()
> instance Voidable r => Voidable (a -> r) where vc = k vc
(pron: "unit")) e.g.:As ryani points out, the type-checker supplies the correct number of> vc "hello" :: ()
> vc "hello" 123 :: ()
> vc "hello" 123 (Just k) :: ()
combinators to match the number of function applications. Neat!I had left a question on how to implement the
, or Turing, combinator, and david demonstrated an implementation where the class of all combinatory birds were a type (with two free implementations of good-ole factorial, to boot):I'm sure both ryani and david would claim that the> data Bird a = B (Bird a -> Bird a) | Value a
> app :: Bird a -> Bird a -> Bird a
> app (B f) x = f x
> lift :: (a -> a) -> Bird a
> lift f = B (\(Value x) -> Value (f x))
> unlift :: Bird a -> (a -> a)
> unlift f = \x -> case (f `app` Value x) of Value y -> y
> -- Uxy = y(xxy)
> u = B (\x -> B (\y -> y `app` (x `app` x `app` y)))
> -- sage1 = UU [geophf mumbles: "Sweet!"]
> sage1 = u `app` u
> -- Yx = x(Yx)
> sage2 = B (\x -> x `app` (sage2 `app` x))
> fix f = unlift (sage1 `app` B (\g -> lift (f (unlift g))))
> fix2 f = unlift (sage2 `app` B (\g -> lift (f (unlift g))))
> facR :: (Integer -> Integer) -> Integer -> Integer
> facR f n = if n == 1 then 1 else n * f (n - 1)
> fac = fix facR
> fac2 = fix2 facR
combinator (where m x = x x
), so useful in Smullyan for implementing several birds (such as the "void" combinator), is not hard to do in Haskell given the above implementations. Do you see how to do it? Wanna race?
(Hmm. This may turn out to be a double-post, in which case apologies; but for the moment there's no sign of the comment that I thought I just left.)
ReplyDeleteFirst I want to make sure that credit goes to the right place. 'My' implementation really was little more than a rehash of a post here: http://www.haskell.org/pipermail/haskell/2007-April/019320.html; certainly that's where the good ideas came from.
(Actually, it does seem to be rather easy to implement M following this scheme.)
Second, I should thank you for the original post. I'd seen a few recommendations for To Mock a Mockingbird, but it was your blog that persuaded me to buy it; and I very much enjoyed the book.
so hard to read for newbie.
ReplyDeletemake sure to visiting my blog too :)
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