- January 29th, 2016: Yesterday we monaded, for today's #haskell problem, we COMonad! ... with STREAMS! Oh, yeah! http://lpaste.net/2853437990695337984 onesies and twosies, duplicate to our solutionseis! http://lpaste.net/2531970919929217024
- January 28th, 2016: Today: Monads. Tomorrow? COMonads! But today's #haskell problem: monads. http://lpaste.net/3895602141393321984 Todayed we Monaded! Oh, yeah! http://lpaste.net/8618821627204861952
- January 27th, 2016: Today's #haskell problem: A Date-client! http://lpaste.net/3557542263343022080 Not what you're thinking, naughty children! *scold-scold*
- January 26th, 2016: For today's #haskell problem we create a DayOfWeek web service! Woot! http://lpaste.net/5212178701889830912
- January 25th, 2016: Per @SirElrik idea, this week we'll do #Haskell #µservices Today's problem is to JSONify a Day -> DayOfWeek function http://lpaste.net/150850 Date, JSONified http://lpaste.net/7633349000409645056
- January 20th, 2016: Yesterday's problem showed us MLK-day was not a trading day, but WHAT WEEK DAY WAS IT? Today's #haskell problem: http://lpaste.net/3912063664412164096 The solutioneth giveth us the dayth of the weeketh! http://lpaste.net/703919211096834048
- January 19th, 2016: Today's #haskell problem asks: Was yesterday a #trading day? http://lpaste.net/1968281888535609344 And a #haskell solution to the trading calendar? Monoids, of course! http://lpaste.net/1299918534133940224
- January 18th, 2016: Today's #haskell problem is a mathematical conundrum concerning poetry ... yes, poetry http://lpaste.net/4733337870415167488 Langston Hughes and Rob't Frost give us the solution: http://lpaste.net/8014739098407272448
- January 15th, 2016: Yesterday was the Repeatinator2000, for today's #haskell problem we have the GAPINATOR3004!! YES! http://lpaste.net/1481736263689043968 Well, we see HALF the stocks are only mentioned once. But minGaps are NOT telling! Hm. http://lpaste.net/5017845158461308928
- January 14th, 2016: In the sea of data we look for some repeaters for today's #haskell problem http://lpaste.net/781423227393015808 AN (H)istogram? A HISTogram? eh, whatevs. #haskell soln shows LOTS of low frequency mentions http://lpaste.net/8518180312847482880
- January 13th, 2016: One chart to rule them all, one chart to find them, one chart to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them http://lpaste.net/161563874967945216 Big Up Chart ... in #haskell, ya! http://lpaste.net/2722111763528024064
- January 12th, 2016: Printing out buy/sell Orders for further analysis http://lpaste.net/2893303782647529472 The charts, ... with the #haskell program that generated them: http://lpaste.net/333157576608841728
- January 11th, 2016: Prolog. Lists. *drops mic http://lpaste.net/8013339712162889728 For the solution we represent PrologList as a difference list http://lpaste.net/3349987882864476160
- January 8th, 2016: '$NFLX and Chili?' is today's #haskell problem http://lpaste.net/3944517274819362816 What is this fascination with eating chili whilst watching movies? Case study: $NFLX a solution with several buy/sell scenarios and some open questions remaining http://lpaste.net/6187369537755676672
- January 5th, 2016: We are Y2K16-compliance officers for today's #haskell problem http://lpaste.net/4805789218464858112
- January 4th, 2016: Happy New Year! Today's #haskell problem looks at the World of WarCr–... Oops, I mean the World of Work-flow! http://lpaste.net/5383485916327182336
Incorporates strong typing over predicate logic programming, and, conversely, incorporates predicate logic programming into strongly typed functional languages. The style of predicate logic is from Prolog; the strongly typed functional language is Haskell.
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