- December 29th, 2017: In Friday's #haskell problem we leave 2017 with a filter and a BANG! ... BANG! Today's #haskell solution we weave logging into the ETL article upload process.
- December 28th, 2017: Thursday's #haskell problem is late AND a quicky: fetch a row of JSON from the database and pretty-print it. Thursday's #haskell solution had me leap from the bath tub and shout EUREKA! as I saw the issue in the JSON.
- December 27th, 2017: In Wednesday's #haskell problem we learn that when you parse dates for your articles, you don't need to carbon-date it anymore. In the solution to yesterday's #haskell problem, we encounter and report some parsing issues around optionality.
- December 26th, 2017: Tuesday's #haskell problem: scan an article archive, store an article archive; databases are neat that way. Today's #haskell solution: storing articles-as-JSON into a PostgreSQL database? No problem!
- December 22nd, 2017: Friday's #haskell exercise we do our first bit of parsing with the help of tagsoup. Okay, this #haskell Aeson / TagSoup stuff is awesome for parsing JSON / HTML stuff.
- December 20th, 2017: Wednesday's #haskell exercise. We take a large-ish JSON article archive, scan it, and spit out* a smaller-...ish JSON article archive. *'spit out' is a technical term. Today's #haskell solution provides a subset of the JSON article archive printed prettily.
- December 18th, 2017: Monday's #haskell problem: Friday you submitted an oembed request for goats, today you create a JSON oembed response service. Today's #haskell solution brings you a goat oembed service, serve with PHP.
- December 15th, 2017: Today we build a goat oembed request. I kid you not! geddit? GEDDIT? Today's #haskell solution: OEmbed Goats requests, want? OEmbed Goats requests, GOT!
- December 14th, 2017: Thursday's #haskell problem we sing 🎵 ... EVERYBODY'S WORKIN' FOR THE WEEKEND! 🎶 So, 18 composeable dates on the weekends. I'm freeing up my calendar, then!
- December 13th, 2017: Wednesday's #haskell problem is a hot date! WOOT! Today's #haskell solution has 66 composable dates in 2017. Cool!
- December 12th, 2017: Tuesday's #haskell problem is batching a SQL queryinstead of making multiple queries. It is so much faster! Today's #haskell solution has another LEFT JOIN in the SQL query to consolidate data gathering.
- December 11th, 2017: Monday's #haskell problem is computing and storing exponential distribution values. The exponential distribution: today's #haskell solution shows it's really simple.
- December 8th, 2017: For Friday's #haskell problem we parse NYT article summaries and upload them to a PostgreSQL database. Today's #haskell solution shows that our simple parsing exercise wasn't so simple. Isn't dirty data delightful?
- December 7th, 2017: Throwing the switch with Thursday's #haskell with a hard reset of the database. For today's #haskell solution we do a hard reset: we wipe the recommendation and publish tables and repopulate.
- December 6th, 2017: It's 'kinda' bad to return articles from a search that are already recommended. Wednesday's #haskell problem fixes this. Today's #haskell solution shows what a simple filter notMember can do.
- December 5th, 2017: Tuesday's #haskell problem we narrow our focus and structure our keyword search-space only on keys requested in the NYT archive on PostgreSQL. With a little bit of monadic/applicative magic, we have narrowed keyword searches.
- December 4th, 2017: For Monday's #haskell problem: "But can Haskell do anything useful?" Two words: ... yes.
- December 1st, 2017: For Friday's #haskell problem, what happens when the boss says: "That's good, but ..."? REWORK! THAT's what happens! Today's #haskell solution renders the source article in full and the recommended articles in brief. Got it!
Incorporates strong typing over predicate logic programming, and, conversely, incorporates predicate logic programming into strongly typed functional languages. The style of predicate logic is from Prolog; the strongly typed functional language is Haskell.
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