- January 30th, 2018: For Tuesday's #haskell problem we look at triaging articles downloaded from a REST endpoint against our PostgreSQL database. Who knew putting things into three bins could be so much fun? Today's #haskell solution triages work for us.
- January 29th, 2018: Monday's #haskell problem is to fetch when the last set of articles were stored; two approaches. Monday's #haskell solution: two approaches to extract 'last entry' from the database, wanted; two approaches to extract 'last entry' from the database, GOT!
- January 26th, 2018: Friday's #haskell problem is to pull a week's worth of data from a REST endpoint when we don't know a priori how many calls we have to make. Friday's #haskell solution fetches then reads/parses blocks of articles from a REST endpoint.
- January 24th, 2018: Wednesday's #haskell problem is solving three more #Prolog-y list problems from P99: pack / encode / decode. It's great when #haskell has grouping / 'un'grouping functions in the library already.
- January 23rd, 2018: Tuesday's #haskell problem: groups and grouper ... I like grouper blackened, please! Solving today's #haskell problem with Qubits?!? Nah, not really, but that would be cool if we did!
- January 22nd, 2018: Monday's #haskell problem is a problem from P99: problem P21, list insertion. Monday's #haskell solution is inserting an element into a list, PROLOG-STYLE!
- January 18th, 2018: The whole enchilada! Today's #haskell problem ties it all together to make an ETL. Today's #haskell solution defines etl: Looping over calls to the REST endpoint then database insertions.
- January 17th, 2018: For today's #haskell problem we use PostgreSQL data store and Haskell to pick up where we left off on an application run. Today's #haskell solution: the audit log has what our program last did, so now we know what we'll work on next!
- January 16th, 2018: Where did yesterday's Haskell problem go? Here it is! Today's #haskell problem: read a packet from a REST endpoint. Today's #haskell solution accesses a REST endpoint with a set timeout and with the default timeout.
- January 15th, 2018: "Logging? Why do we have to log stuff?" Enterprise applications require audit trails. Today's #haskell problem provides one. What did your Haskell app do and when? Today's #haskell solution: an audit log.
- January 11th, 2018: Thursday's #haskell problem: pulling SQL lookup tables into Haskell. Thursday's #haskell solution: with the help of IxValues we extract lookup table values from SQL into Haskell Maps.
- January 10th, 2018: Wednesday's #haskell exercise is to store the packet information into the PostgreSQL database as a part of auditing the ETL process. Wednesday's #haskell solution stores the packets that wrap article sets then logs our results.
- January 9th, 2018: Tuesday's #haskell problem we are logging log messages to the log data table. YES! Tuesday's #haskell solution: logging in the style of log4j.
- January 8th, 2018: Monday's #haskell problem: once more into the breach, and thoughts on generalization – storing unique newspaper article sections in PostgreSQL. We store article section information, then we build a function that stores ANYTHING! ... and washes windows, TOO! *
*YMMV additionaltermsandconditionsmayapplydependingonyourregion - January 5th, 2018: Friday's #haskell problem takes a break from SQL Databases and Haskell and does something completely different: data schemes and Haskell. AHA! Friday's #haskell solution is a graph-view of the sections for a sample of 100 articles.
- January 4th, 2018: Thursday's #haskell problem looks at storing in PostgreSQL authors of periodic articles uniquely identified by uuid. Thursday #haskell solution uses etl function with generators to store parsed authors in PostgreSQL database.
- January 3rd, 2018: Wednesday's #haskell problem is in honor of Baron Munchausen and his fantastic adventures!
Tuesday's #haskell problem leverages keywords-as-subjects and makes storing article keywords into PostgreSQL easier... we hope. Tuesday's #haskell solution Incorporates prior work with memoizing tables and subjects with results.
Incorporates strong typing over predicate logic programming, and, conversely, incorporates predicate logic programming into strongly typed functional languages. The style of predicate logic is from Prolog; the strongly typed functional language is Haskell.
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