- 2020-12-22: Monads are burritos, but today's #haskell problem brings together the whole enchilada! In today's #haskell solution we find that whole enchilada is a hot tamale! ... and also map all the air bases of an alliance.
- 2020-12-21: Collecting the airbases for all the countries of an alliance from the graph-store is today's #haskell exercise. Today's #haskell solution shows how to work with the `withArray` Aeson function.
- 2020-12-18: For today's #haskell problem, we extract an alliance, its member countries, and their capitals from the graph-store to display these data on a global-viewer, such as google Earth. For today's #haskell solution, with #KML and @neo4j, we see that this is an alliance that nearly spans the globe!
- 2020-12-16: Extracting an alliance and its member countries from a graph store is today's #haskell problem. In today's #haskell solution we find that, hm, marshalling aggregated data is more than a bit of work!
- 2020-12-15: "What is the capital of Singapore?" for today's #haskell problem. Today's #haskell solution shows that the capital of Singapore is ... well: SINGAPORE! YAY!
- 2020-12-11: For today's #haskell problem we will be adding lats and longs to country capitals in our graph-store. Capitals now have lats/longs in the graph-store.
- 2020-12-10: Today's #haskell problem is to relink capitals from aliases to source countries. Today's #haskell solution clarified the problem, then provided a data-correction-solution.
- 2020-12-09: Reassociating alliances from alias nodes to their source country nodes. Today's #haskell solution: and we update aliased-alliances-... oops! Unicode. Joy.
- 2020-12-07: For today's #haskell problem, we filter out unicode points in both countries and their aliases, ... but we also ask: is filtering the right way to go, or are unicode points being properly represented in JSON by Data.Aeson? Today's #haskell solution provides aliases to country names (... even as we add some manually ... *cough* #PleaseIgnoreTheManBehindTheCurtain)
- 2020-12-03: Today's #haskell problem: adding alias names to a country ... should be simple? BUT UNICODE! :( Today's #haskell solution: UNICODE FIXED FOR ALIASES! WOOT! ... but what about for the source countries? IM CRIE! 😭
- 2020-12-02: Yesterday, we triaged data for correction. Today #haskell problem is data correction, part I: adding `new` countries we missed before. Today's #haskell solution: o, Guinea-Bissau, be ye no longer an orphan, but be home, now, in Africa!
- 2020-12-01: Data correction. Half the problem of data-correction is to realize that you must do a data-correction. The other half of half the problem is to gather the data that needs to be corrected, along with the context of the correction: today's #haskell problem. Today's #haskell solution shows that the concept of triage is so helpful in setting up to solve data-correction problems.
Incorporates strong typing over predicate logic programming, and, conversely, incorporates predicate logic programming into strongly typed functional languages. The style of predicate logic is from Prolog; the strongly typed functional language is Haskell.
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