Wednesday, September 2, 2020

September 2020 Haskell Problems and Solutions

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

February 2019 Haskell 1-liners


  • February 18th, 2019:
    Define ext :: (Maybe a, b) -> Maybe (a,b)
    e.g.: ext (Just 5, "Hi") = Just (5, "Hi")
    • Al͜l ̸͑ha͂͟il̶! @TechnoEmpress \o/ 
    • cλementd @clementd `fmap swap. sequenceA . swap` :-)
    • Raveline @Raveline bisequence . second pure
    • Alexey Radkov @sheshanaag uncurry (flip $ fmap . flip (,))
    • a fool @fresheyeball ext = \case (Just x, y) -> Just (x, y); _ -> Nothing

September 2020 Haskell 1-liners

  • 2020-09-08: given

    removeInfreqs :: Set String -> Ontology -> Ontology
    removeInfreqs infrequentWords ont = (\wordcounts -> foldl (flip ri') wordcounts infrequentWords) ont

    where Ontology is a map-of-maps.

    1. remove flip to get the same functional result.
    2. curry away ont from the function removeInfreqs
    3. curry away wordcounts from the map-lambda function.
    4. curry away infrequentWords from the function removeInfreqs

      n.b.: This curry may not be as straightforward as the other curries.

  • 2020-09-01: Given all of the above, and now that you've curried the above lambda to [SPOILER]:

    \key -> const (not (Set.member key stoppers))

    Curry away key from this new lambda.