
Monday, November 3, 2014

October 2014 1HaskellADay Problems and Solutions

October, 2014
  • October 1st, 2014, Wednesday: Pathways into Darkness Because Daerkness is the new Pink. Today's #haskell problem. ...AAAAAND we went there: Dark, Darkest, Darko! A solution to the #haskell grid-pathing problem using Data.Graph. FUN!
  • October 2nd, 2014, Thursday: Tweet, tweet! Summer Factorial! a #haskell 'sum'mer exercise for the Fall. From "Power set, HO!" to "Power Sets? NO!" A solution to today's longest factors-sum #haskell problem.
  • October 3rd, 2014, Friday: In which I get WHACKED by the Missus for today's #haskell problem (I've printed out the word-ladders in long form so you can give them to your Missus, thus to avoid enWHACKification! GROSS ('Get Rid Of Stupid wordS') club and goal-directed searches using Levenstein distances give us today's solution
  • BONUS! puzzles for today: YOU get RICK ROLLED! Oh, yeah! I went there!

  • You can't kill the metal, unless you're Rick Rolled; solution to #haskell bonus problem at

  • October 4th, 2014: Dear Dad, SEND + MORE = MONEY Today's #haskell problem. Problem SOLVED! (naively) ... for a small processing fee, ... ;)
  • October 7th, 2014: An American Family Today's #haskell problem gives us the #Twilight lexicon... in a 'VERY' 'BRIEF' synopsis. #ontology 8 of 21 questions are answered against the #Twilight (extended) family tree  My enthusiasm overcame my reasonableness.
  • BONUS #haskell problem for today! Renesmee's (doting) Aunts because EVERYONE dotes on Renesmee. By law. Do-it-to-it! "And Bella Swan lived Happily Ever After" ... and that's the whole point of the 4-book #twilight series. #ontology
  • October 8th, 2014: "A more clever approach than brute force is desirable" for today's #haskell problem (Me? Brute Force, All the WAY!) (Not so) Brutish pathing through triangular sums ... Commited Choice FTW! A solution to today's #haskell problem.
  • October 9th, 2014: Sugar and spice and everything nice ( that's what today's #haskell problem from a logic puzzle from 1957 is made of. A long path to a solution to this day's engagement announcements #haskell problem, involving monoidal Frege logic.
  • October 10th, 2014: "Oh, it's 4:42. No, it isn't, ... zzzz" Those kinds of conversations come up all the time in today's #haskell problem And the poor little matchstick boy went back to sleep in his warm, comfy bed, hot chocolate by his bedside a solution
  • BONUS! Okay, so you're saying liars ALWAYS lie and TruthTellers ALWAYS tell the truth. Wait ... even in Vegas? #Bonus In which we may learn about your sense of humo(u)r a solution using logic, meta-logic, and coercive logic. #ontology 
  • October 13th, 2014: In which we discover Columbus is Big in Japan ... no, wait: that's #ekmett. Today's #haskell problem. We solve this problem by WAY overusing the State Monad! ... Letter to a Young Haskell Enthusiast should have added: "Don't overused the State Monad!" I hear and obey the advice of ekmett!

  • What time is it? π-time? No. (But you were close ...) It's BONUS #haskell problem time! Go discover the New World! And, we discover, solving this bonus problem, that the New World was India (and not the ink), no matter what anyone else says, eh, Columbus?
  • October 14th, 2014: We look at reciprocally-cycled decimal values of fractions in today's #haskell problem In which we discover that @geophf must read the problem statement carefully. A solution to today's #haskell problem
  • October 15th, 2014: Today's #haskell problem: grid placement Or as Neo says: "Whoa."

  • October 16th, 2014: An ... 'intelligence' test for today's #haskell problem. Intelligence test: answered. I had to melt my brain to answer it, however, so that happened.
  • October 17th, 2014: Friedman day was yesterday, but it's today's #haskell problem. Bonus: Friedman proofsno less! ... using Frege's logic ... but only if you want to ... The solution (including the bonus solution) for the Friedman-day problem posted at  WITH FOR-LOOPS!
  • October 20th, 2014: O! Little Town of Milford! has a butcher, baker, and candlestick maker, but who is who? Today's #haskell problem. Okay, gag me with the sequence operator! BLEH! (I really should have gone relational calculus here! :/) A solution at
  • October 21st, 2014: Se7en Little numbers ... okay, well, four of them, anyway, for today's #haskell problem Quantum nodes of scintillating thought  A solution to today's #Haskell problem.

  • October 22nd, 2014: Word Numb3rs is today's #haskell puzzle (thanks to @BenVitale) 'AND' in your language of choice as you so choose. Hinglish-Vinglish is our response to this exercise. "Fruitful." Yeah. Well, at least we got Data.Numeral.English out of it. SWEET!
  • October 23rd, 2014: Today's #haskell problem comes from and is about ... well: Euler, himself! Well, if you wanted list of writer monads, you could've just asked for a list of writer monads 
  • October 24th, 2014: Even odds is our #haskell problem today, thanks to @BenVitale A solution (actually two defined solutions) to @BenVitale even odds problem posted for today's #haskell problem
I dub this coming week 'Kakuro week' for the theme of #haskell 
problems to solve (puzzle rendered using #haskell)

  • October 27th, 2014: #kakuro-week: the empty slate is our step one for our #haskell problem(s) to solve today

  • Then we have the...'filled'-slate as a solution to 'today's #haskell problems for #kakuro-week 
  • October 28th, 2014: «On y va!» declaims Sgt. Johnson as he charges headlong into solving today's #haskell problem 
  • And that's how a 'partial' cookie crumbles. Partially. A partial solution to yesterday's #haskell #kakuro problem
  • October 29th, 2014: A magnificent clue for today's #haskell problem in this #kakuro-puzzle-themed week
  • October 30th, 2014: So, what does the 'Su' mean? Today's #haskell puzzler is a sudoku-solver. That you wrote. DoIt-ToIt!
  • October 31st, 2014: Merry Christmas! No. Heurieusement anniversaire! Nope. TRICK OR TREAT! Ya, that's the stuff! Today's #haskell problem

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