
Monday, December 1, 2014

November 2014 1HaskellADay Problems and Solutions

November 2014
  • November 3st, 2014: Let it snow, let it snow, let it ... lambda for today's #haskell problem ... and the answer is Snow Mittens for Snow Kittens! YAY!
  • November 4nd, 2014: At the First National Bank the MEN like to play chess with each other Today's #haskell problem. Men in banks like playing chess with each other come to find in the solution to today's #haskell logic puzzle
  • November 5th, 2014: Doin' the spiral from, problem 28, for today's #haskell puzzler Heh, I actually spiraled out to the solution for today's #haskell problem.
  • November 6th, 2014: From @BenVitale funwithnumb3rs site, we have a, b, and c ... and how simple can today's #haskell problem be? ;)'s as easy as 1, 2, 3! is our solution to today's problem
  • November 7th, 2014: Making sensical tweets for #ingress for today's #haskell problem A semantical romp through syntax (that is: the solution) is posted at
  • November 10th, 2014: As I embark on my morning commute, I share today's #haskell problem about ... the morning commute! To get to the solution ya gotta keep on truckin'
  • November 11th, 2014: Some Coin sums. In for a penny, in for a £ for today's #haskell problem Solution coded, but is it the correct one for counting coins? How did you do it? HA! I found the problem with my counting-coins solution! Redundancies! Updated solution at
  • November 12th, 2014: Squares, Cubes and Triangles masquerade as numbers in today's #haskell problem The square by a cube of a triangle is our digit-picking solution to today's math puzzle
  • November 13th, 2014: It's all about making the grade. I MEANT: 'THE SEARCH FOR TRUTH'! Yeah, THAT's what I meant. Not: 'making the grade.' Translation: Today's #haskell problem is about making the grade. I MEANT 'SEEKING KNOWLEDGE'! Yeah. That's what I meant. *blush* Isabella makes the grade in today's equational solution (rant by @geophf provided free of charge).
  • November 14th, 2014: 0h, h1 there! for today's #haskell puzzle
  • Our bonus solution is coded here (, and looks like this:

  • November 17th, 2014: The in-laws bump into Amy and her baby in the perambulator on her daily stroll for today's #haskell problem For today's solution we find a really roundabout way to say 'brother-in-law' And the bonus solution( we graph it with Neo4J:

  • November 18th, 2014: Would you like some chips with that Fish? The #haskell puzzler for today is a 'SOLE' word-square Sole Open Ends Lead! A newspaper-escque headline-y-like solution to today's Haskell puzzler
  • November 19th, 2014: Next Mensa puzzler for today's #haskell problem. Who gotfirst place in the science fair? Woman Power! A solution to today's Haskell puzzler
  • November 20th, 2014: "Trick or treat!" But how many bags of candy did the new cashier, to be named later, sell? Solve this to let her know. The solution is posted here ( and graphed out ... for 'funzies.'
  • November 21st, 2014: Her Majesty, Queen Victoria (Vicky or Maj to her buds) (not really), has a #haskell poem-puzzler for you: (Standard disclaimer: we make no representation of reigning monarchs, living or dead, implied or otherwise. Besides... the Queen has no buds.) So, that brings to mind two thoughts, or pensées: 
  1. you see how I used the royal-'we' there? ;)
  2. 2) How sad to be Queen, and have no buds :(
    (@1HaskellADay In which it is learned it is a sadness to be Queen, to have no buds withal. :( *sniffle*) The 'clever' solution ( comes even with its own 'TA-DAH!' ... gratis. You're welcome.

    • November 24th, 2014: Circular primes, from, is today's #haskell puzzler: A solution to the circular primes problem is posted at 
    • November 25th, 2014: Have a well-ordered (re)presentation of today's #haskell problem  Suffice to say: today's 'date' is 'fig.' geddit? ;) A solution is a (sorta) logical calendar 
    • November 26th, 2014: Got a question for ya! for today's Haskell 1-9 in so many ways
    • November 27th, 2014: Happy Thanksgiving to all you Haskell aficionados out there! Today's #haskell puzzle set involves da turkeyzzzz! That there is a lot of turkey!
    • November 28th, 2014: Black Friday. OKAY, FOLKS! TODAY, AND _ONLY_ TODAY, EVERYTHING IS ON SAAAAAAAALLLLEEEE! Today's Black Friday #haskell problem. THESE PRICES ARE ...INSAAAAANNNNEEE! A solution to today's Black Friday logic puzzle.

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