Friday, September 19, 2008

Animal as RDR, part II

Implementation study

In the last entry, we introduced what RDR (ripple-down rules) are and reviewed the types that comprise an example system. This entry will show how those types are used to implement such a system.
> module RDRFinding where
This module scans the RDR tree in context to give BOTH the best-fitting conclusion AND the final Branch that led to the ultimate conclusion (in the form of a zipper so that the branch may be replace in place using standard operations on the zipper).
> import RDRTypes
> import Data.Transitive
> import Data.Zipper
> import Data.BinaryTree
> import Data.Map (Map)
> import qualified Data.Map as Map
> import Control.Monad.State
> import Data.Maybe
You have already encountered the above imported modules, but the next two modules need an introduction. The first
> import Control.Monad.Utils
contains my weird and wonderful syntax when I'm using monads for parsing or logic tasks. The parsing syntax you've seen before (see the critique), but I do add one new syntactic construct:
(>>|) :: m a → (a → b) → m b
because I'm always doing "m >>= return . f", and liftM seems to feel oddly backwards when I'm visualizing data flow. The next
> import Data.Mutable
provides a generic operation for changing a data structure:
class Mutable t dir val | t → dir, t → val where
mutate :: dir → val → t → Maybe t
So, what's the game? We have an Environment (a set of attributed values) combined with a RuleTree into the State Monad. What we do is guide the values in the environment through the rule tree (where a successful Condition chooses the EXCEPT branch and displaces the currently saved Conclusion with the one associated with this Rule, and conversely if the Condition fails, the ELSE branch is selected, without displacing the currently saved Conclusion). When we reach a Leaf, we return our current position in the tree (the current state of the Zipper) along with the last valid Conclusion. All this is done by runRule:
> runRule :: RuleFinding a b c k v
> runRule = get >>= λ (RuleEnv root env) . runRule' root env

> runRule' :: RuleTree a b c k v → Environment k v b c
> → RuleFinding a b c k v
> runRule' tree env@(Env ks curr)
> = branch tree >>: λ (cond, conc) .
> let (dir, concl) = liftZdir (testCond cond env conc)
> in advance dir tree >>: λ path .
> put (RuleEnv path (Env ks concl)) >> runRule
> where x >>: f = tryS curr x f
Whew! This is a mouthful in the number of functions it introduces, but conceptually, runRule is rather straightforward. Let's break it down.

The function runRule, itself, merely destructures the RuleTreeEnv term, passing that information to runRule', so let's move right on to that worker function. First, let's examine the funny syntactic construct, (>>:) — what is this monadic operator doing? We see from its definition that it calls tryS:
> tryS :: a → Maybe b → (b → State c a) → State c a
> tryS x may f = maybe (return x) f may
So, tryS lifts the State Monad into semideterminism (using the Maybe Monad). As an aside, perhaps, then, runRule' could be rewritten as a StateT over the Maybe Monad ... perhaps an intrepid reader will gain a ⊥-trophy for an implementation and explanation?

Using that monadic operator, (>>:), we get the current branch in focus (bailing if the focus is on a Leaf) ...
> branch :: RuleTree a b c k v
> → Maybe (Condition a (Knowledge k v),
> Conclusion b c (Knowledge k v))
> branch (Zip _ (Branch (Rule cond conc) _ _)) = Just (cond, conc)
> branch (Zip _ Leaf) = Nothing
... then we test the condition at that Branch ...
> testCond :: Condition a (Knowledge k v)
> → Environment k v ca cb
> → Conclusion ca cb (Knowledge k v)
> → Either (Environment k v ca cb)
> (Environment k v ca cb)
> testCond (Cond _ test) env@(Env kb _) conc1
> | test kb = Left $ Env kb conc1
> | otherwise = Right env

> liftZdir :: Either (Environment k v ca cb)
> (Environment k v ca cb)
> → (BinDir, Conclusion ca cb (Knowledge k v))
> liftZdir test = either (λ (Env _ c) . (L, c))
> (λ (Env _ c) . (R, c))
> test
I do this little pas de deux between testCond and liftZdir because somehow it just feels right to use the Either type here. Perhaps, sometime later Arrows will come into play. At any rate, liftZdir . testCond can be considered one function that returns the appropriate leg of the branch to continue finding the best viable Conclusion, as well as the best current Conclusion reached from applying the Environment to the Condition.

Given that information, we now advance down that path, updating the state, and continue to test recursively, until we reach a Leaf, at which point we have our answer (the ultimate viable Conclusion).

If we're happy with that answer, we call runRule with a new transaction (in other words, a fresh Environment), and the Zipper pointing back at the top of the RuleTree. If we're not happy, then we're given the ability to add a new Rule to the RuleTree. We do this with addRule:
> addRule :: BinDirRule a b c (Knowledge k v)
> → RuleTree a b c k v → RuleTree a b c k v
> addRule dir rule (Zip hist branch)
> = let ruleB = Branch rule Leaf Leaf
> in Zip hist (mutate dir ruleB branch)
The above functions are the meat of the implementation for this simple RDR system. There are a few conveniences that the following functions provide. The first one is answer that scans the rule tree, making the best conclusion, and then backs up one step to provide the user access to the branch in case the precipitating rule finding wasn't exactly giving the desired result.
> answer :: RuleTreeEnv a b c k v → RuleTreeEnv a b c k v
> answer rule = let RuleEnv z ans = execState runRule rule
> in RuleEnv (fromJust $ withdraw z) ans
The next three functions help to automate the creation of the rule parts, Conditions and Conclusions. The function mkCond creates a test function with the assumption that the knowledge store contains a (k,v) pair. It does the lookup in the knowledge store and passes the extracted values to the test function (which, as with any good predicate, returns either True or False). If we can't find the key, I guess, for now, we'll assume the returned value is False:
> mkCond :: Ord k ⇒ k → (v → Bool) → Condition k (Knowledge k v)
> mkCond key fn = Cond key $ λ ks . maybe False fn (Map.lookup key ks)

> present :: Ord k ⇒ k → Condition k (Knowledge k v)
> present = flip mkCond (const True)

> assume :: k → Conclusion k k env
> assume key = Concl key (const key)
This completes the implementation of this RDR system. The next entry will create a small RDR system, based on the game Animal, to demonstrate how the system works.

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